Over the past week, I furthered my research for my final product and refined all of my collection. I used sources my mentor sent me to research parental anxiety regarding a child’s surgery because this is a cause for neurodevelopmental concerns and debates. I read through a study and found most results to be consistent with my previous research. Additionally, I refined my digital portfolio for our research showcase this week. I updated the website itself and uploaded any missing assessments and reports (this one included). We are nearing the end of ISM and I realize that as I look back at all of our assessments and such. Outside of ISM, I have begun applying to summer programs to further my education in either my ISM topic of anesthesia or general medicine. This past weekend, my DECA team and I competed at the State Career Development Conference in Houston. It was very fun to compete among the best that is Texas DECA and enjoy some time away from home and school. It turned out to be a successful weekend too because we advanced to ICDC. We will be competing in Anaheim, CA in April and I am very excited to aim for that DECA glass.
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