We have recently returned from a much-needed break, and a lot is coming up in our ISM
journeys. I am currently working on my display board for our upcoming gallery walk and
research showcase. Additionally, I plan to expand my previous speech to our original work
speech coming next week. I also solidified my mentor before the break and am excited to explore
the opportunities he offers me. However, as most other hospitals do, my mentor’s hospital limits
shadowing opportunities, so I may need to compromise on shadowing. I will have to
continuously work hard in ISM to keep up with everything coming up. Beyond ISM, I worked
tirelessly on my group’s DECA project. We actually competed today and not only did we get a
perfect presentation score, but we advanced to state! We will be in Houston a month from now,
and hopefully then too, I will be writing my weekly report titled, “Anaheim Bound”. We have
worked so very hard on DECA and I believe we have the potential to get far. I hope this
accomplishment symbolizes a strong start to the semester as my classmates and I work through
our various, challenging classes.